Al Khales Group
Date of completion: 08-2020
Service: Installation Osmose System
Sidi Yahya
Water Capacity: 125 M3/H
Duration of work: 2 Months
Sector of activity: Food Production

AL KHALES GROUP, a key player in diverse industries, brought forth a substantial challenge for Casamerchants. In their pursuit of expertise to optimize water usage and enhance sustainability within their industrial processes, AL KHALES GROUP specifically highlighted a challenge related to the quality of well water. The well water, being saline, presented a notable obstacle, particularly in the cultivation of the Berry. The high electrical conductivity (EC) of the water was unsuitable for the specific needs of the Berry cultivation. AL KHALES GROUP was unwavering in their commitment to finding a solution that not only addressed environmental concerns but also catered to the unique requirements of the Berry farming. Casamerchants was entrusted with the task of implementing a solution to reduce the EC of the well water, ensuring optimal conditions for the Berry cultivation while aligning with AL KHALES GROUP's commitment to environmental responsibility and operational efficiency.

Casamerchants, in response to the challenges presented by AL KHALES GROUP regarding saline well water, implemented a comprehensive solution. This involved the supply, installation (including pumps and reverse osmosis systems), and commissioning of a water treatment station at Sidi Yahya. The station included a pumping facility with a capacity of 180 m²/h and a reverse osmosis system capable of producing 125 m³/h. This solution aimed to address the specific water quality issues and ensure a more suitable environment for industrial processes, especially those related to Goji Berry cultivation.

The implementation process, executed by CASAMERCHANTS SARL, included the meticulous installation of pumping equipment and reverse osmosis systems. The team worked diligently to set up and initiate the water treatment station at Sidi Yahya. This involved coordinating various components, ensuring seamless integration, and meeting the contractual timeline of two months. The implementation process was successfully completed, with the official acceptance of the project on 28/08/2020.

The results of Casamerchants' intervention were highly satisfactory, meeting the expectations of Al Khales Group. The newly established water treatment station effectively addressed the challenges posed by saline well water. The station's pumping capacity and reverse osmosis system contributed to a notable improvement in water quality, reducing the electrical conductivity (EC) and creating an environment conducive to Goji Berry cultivation. This success underscores Casamerchants' commitment to delivering effective solutions tailored to the unique requirements of their clients.